Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA)
Asia Pacific (APAC)
Americas (AM)
Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA)
Asia Pacific (APAC)
Americas (AM)
Our Code of Conduct outlines the company’s expectations and responsibilities to ensure each of us operates in a lawful and ethical manner at all times. The Code also acts as our commitment to a workplace that promotes principles of mutual respect and fair dealing with every person or entity with which we work.
Our ethics and business conduct programme is overseen by a committee that consists of cross-functional senior management that oversees our ethics and compliance programmes including our ethics hotline, employee training, and monitoring and assessment related to the Code of Conduct and other compliance matters.
Sealed Air Corporation is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. We encourage individuals to report all known or suspected violations of our Code of Conduct, Company policies or laws. Sealed Air will not tolerate any form of retaliation against anyone who reports these matters in good faith.
To make a report, please visit or call:
Our ability to solve our customers’ most critical packaging challenges with innovative solutions that leave our world, environment, and communities better than we found them hinges upon a culture where we are consciously committed to always do the right thing. We expect our suppliers to support this commitment.
Sealed Air places a premium on fostering long-term relationships with strategic suppliers that support this ethical commitment by providing their workers with safe working conditions and demonstrating environmental responsibility. Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets forth our expectations that our Suppliers will adhere to ethical workplace practices including those that combat risks of forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking.
The following information is provided pursuant to the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015 and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010.
Sealed Air’s commitment to doing business with integrity means avoiding corruption or bribery in any form and complying with the anti-corruption laws of every country in which we conduct business. This expectation extends to those who conduct business on Sealed Air’s behalf or desire to conduct business with Sealed Air.
All Sealed Air employees are expected to read, understand and adhere to the principles within our Code of Conduct and our Global Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption Policy. Our anti-bribery and anti-corruption compliance programme encompasses screening and monitoring controls, as well as an education component comprised of training on various anti-corruption and anti-bribery topics, such as guidance on transacting with intermediaries and foreign officials.
Sealed Air Corporation and its subsidiaries are committed to conducting our business activities in a manner that meets the highest legal and ethical standards. Consistent with this commitment, we maintain a Conflict Minerals Policy and seek to source materials from companies that share our values regarding respect for human rights, ethics and environmental responsibility.
These links lead to the machine readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and they include negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed- amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.