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Protein Automation System

The AutoLoad R2 is a high-speed robotic bag loader designed to enhance labour efficiency.

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01 Overview


This robotic bag loader is designed to eliminate repetitive and labour-intensive processes.

The CRYOVAC® brand AutoLoad R2 is a high-speed robotic bag loader designed to eliminate the repetitive and labour-intensive process of manually loading product into bags. When paired with the CRYOVAC® brand AutoID – a product ID vision system designed to identify and sort products based on dimensions and packaging requirements – the AutoLoad R2 enables automatic bagging, resulting in labour savings and efficiency. Equipped with two bag presenters, this robotic bag loader enables accurate bag selection by transferring product into one of two bag options allowing for optimal package selection.

  • Designed for touchless automation and seamless integration into the packaging process
  • Improves operator health and safety with an efficient and safe product bagging robot
  • High resolution and intuitive operator touch screen provides real-time performance information and enables full-line integration
  • Integrates easily with other touchless auxiliary equipment

  • Speed: Variable up to 23 packages per minute depending upon product type and size
  • Bag Details: Widths between 22 to 45 cm (9 in – 17.7 in); Lengths up to 85 cm (33.5 in)
  • Product Weight: Up to 18 kg

fresh red meat


smoked meat






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